Optic disc photography and retinal nerve fiber layer photography.

What is papilla photography for?

Optic disc photography is a color photographic image of the optic disc. It can be used to document any abnormalities already present in glaucoma. Such abnormalities can be, for example, marginal bleeding on the optic disc, the hollowing of the optic disc, or the color of the optic disc. For us, such color photography is the ideal basis for further progress assessments.

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What is nerve fiber layer photography?

Nerve fiber layer photography is a red-free photomicrograph of the optic disc itself. In addition, a nerve fiber layer of the retina surrounding the optic disc – the so-called retinal nerve fiber layer, RNFL for short – is photographed. Imaging of the RNFL shows particularly well possible existing bundle-like defects of this layer. Often these are accompanied by typical visual field defects and can therefore give us more information about the clinical picture.

Good to know

What is the papilla in the eye?
The optic disc is the beginning of the optic nerve visible to us ophthalmologists at the back of the eye and is also called the optic nerve head. It consists of special nerve cells, the so-called ganglion cells, which come from the retina and leave the eye bundled as the optic nerve.
Every healthy optic nerve head has a cavity in the center. If this hollowing is large, it may indicate the presence of glaucoma. The color of the optic disc also allows further conclusions to be drawn about its state of health: a pale optic disc, for example, is an indicator of impaired optic nerve function. This can be caused by various diseases such as circulatory disorders of the vessels supplying the optic nerves or inflammations that occur in multiple sclerosis.

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