OCT of the macula

In cases of macular disease, our treatment methods such as OCT (optical coherence tomography) allow us to register precise indications of changes in the individual macular layers. This is important in order to be able to carry out an exact diagnosis and thus possible therapy and progress controls. 

In diabetes, for example, retinal damage can lead to severe vision loss and even blindness. Optical coherence tomography is the most accurate method to measure fluid retention in the retina due to diabetic changes. Moles on the back of the eye, iris or conjunctiva can also be accurately measured with OCT. This allows us to detect any changes or tumorous degeneration as early as possible. In addition to these examples, we can diagnose, measure and monitor many other changes in the macula using OCT. 

OCT angiography

OCT angiography is a further development of the conventional examination for imaging vascular structures of the ocular fundus. Here, several successive signals that are scattered back from the red blood cells, the erythrocytes, are calculated over time. Thus, blood flow in the vessels can be visualized without administering a dye as in ordinary fluorescence angiography. This imaging of the vessels is used for wet macular degeneration, vascular occlusions or diabetic vascular changes. 

Incidentally, OCT angiography can also be used to visualize the vessels on the optic nerve.

The cost

If you have findings for which an OCT examination would be useful, we will point this out to you, because: The examinations are not covered by the statutory health insurance. They must therefore be billed in accordance with the official scale of fees for physicians (GOÄ). 

What actually is an OCT?

OCT is an abbreviation and stands for “Optical Coherence Tomography”. This non-contact and painless examination enables the diagnosis of changes in the optic nerve as well as the retina – in the shortest possible time and with the highest precision. In this way, necessary treatments, operations and also the effectiveness of administered medications can be precisely monitored. In detail, OCT technology enables the detection of pathological changes in the eye, such as glaucoma, diseases of the macula (site of sharpest vision), diabetes or tumors. The accuracy of the examination is highly precise, making it even more accurate than a computed tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, or ultrasound scan. 

If you have any questions about OCT examinations and diagnostics, our BeyondEye team will be happy to help you at any time. Simply call us at 0221 / 87 10 50 or make an appointment online. 

Good to know

What exactly is the macula? 
The macula is the center of the retina and is also called the site of sharpest vision. The photoreceptors responsible for color perception are present here in very high density. This enables a very high resolution of a visual impression.

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